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Idefix stories

Last year the first book in the Dogmatix And the Indomitables series was released in English. The series started in 2021 with the release of the first French album. Later this year the eighth French album will be released, so to say that the English translations are falling behind seems to be an understatement. The translations into German, Spanish and Dutch are now at album number five. The reason for this delay is unclear.

The books have a TV series that is released in several languages as well, the episodes follow the stories from the albums


Back in 1973 Dogmatix also got his own book series. In French 15 books were released. Even more than the current series these books were aimed at younger readers. They lack the style and sophistication of the main Asterix creative team and are loosely edited, with little attention to continuity. Just as today, more French albums were released than English translations. The little Dogmatix books from 1973 and 1974 are now wanted items for Asterix collectors.

English versions

While widely translated (though not by the regular English translators of the Asterix comics), these comics failed to gain much popularity and are now largely forgotten. The English editions, in particular, feature numerous glaring errors. For instance, the Chief’s wife is mistakenly called “Bacteria” instead of her proper name, “Impedimenta.” Notably, “Bacteria” is actually the name of the fishmonger’s wife in the English translations of the main series.

idefix reclame 1973


I have a 1973 print of the Dutch release of Asterix and the Mansions of the Gods. On the back of the cover an advertisement can be found for four Idefix books:

  • Idefix maakt een vriend (Dogmatix makes a friend)
  • Idefix redt een jongentje (Dogmatix saves a kid)
  • Idefix verdient een lekker hapje (Dogmatix deserves a treat)
  • Idefix vangt een everzwijn (Dogmatix and the Boar Hunt)

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