The helmet collection … what happened?
Starting in the album Asterix the Gladiator Obelix started collecting the helmets of all the Roman soldiers he defeated in battle. We see him do it in many, but not all, albums after it is introduced in the fourth album. After Obelix and Co. however he seems have stopped playing the game all together.

Did Obelix lose interest in this game? Was it because no one wanted to compete with him? We do know that he keeps a collection of helmets at home. Not just Roman ones, but from other parts of the world as well. In Parc Asterix a stack of helmets is displayed prominently at Obelix’ home. In Asterix and the Actress we learn that Obelix’ father sells menhirs and both unused and slightly used helmets to tourists.
I believe that the last time we really see Obelix collect helmets after a battle is in Obelix and Co. Obelix receives a complete Roman camp all for himself to beat up as a birthday present. He returns with tears in his eyes and huge collection of helmets.

In later albums we only see an occasional reference to Obelix collecting helmets. In Asterix and the Actress and Asterix and the Picts Obelix’ helmet collecting habits make a reappearance.

Asterix & Obelix XXL
In the game Asterix & Obelix XXL (from 2003) collecting helmets is an element in the game with which the player can buy power-ups. Golden centurion helmets are worth ten normal helmets.
The Obelix figurine from the Toycloud series came with three helmets which you could stack on top of each other. There is also a Plastoy figurine of Obelix with a stack of helmets. These toys as well as the game were released a long time after the album Obelix and Co. It seems that Obelix’ image of a helmet collecting Gaulish warrior sticked with him long after he gave up on it.

If I had to guess, the same happened to Obelix as many collectors of Asterix merchandise. He collected too many helmets and didn’t have enough room to keep them all. A problem I face on a daily basis.